The Bialosky + Partners Architects CANstruction team has once again won the award for “can-spirit” at CANstruction Cleveland 2014! This award is given to the team with the biggest enthusiasm and largest amount of cans donated through a can sculpture.

7,000 Cans ready to be Can-Structed!
BPA would like to thank our sponsors for their generous donations. Thanks to their help we were able to raise over $5,750 and purchase over 6,900 cans of food to donate to the Greater Cleveland Foodbank during their Harvest for Hunger Campaign! These cans combined with the rest of the teams’ structures, will provide a record breaking number of over 30,000 meals to Northeast Ohio’s Hunger Relief.

The team works together to finish the structure in under 5 hours
With this year’s theme of “Route 66 – American Landmarks”, our team created a can replica of the Hollywood Hills. Route 66 was one of the first original highways in the U.S. As one of America’s Landmarks and near the ending site of route 66; our sculpture of the Hollywood hills was built in hopes to help end hunger in Cleveland. The front of the sculpture represents the undulating hills of Hollywood and the back gives a nod to route 66 with the classic logo.

Route 66 - The back of BPA's Hollywood Hills Structure
With Route 66 covering over 2,448 miles, it was our goal to double that number in canned goods to create this structure. To our surprise, and the generous help from our sponsors, we were able to meet and exceed that goal! Note: Please hover your mouse over the images below to navigate the slideshow: [slideshow_deploy id='2593']